Have you walked through Barnes and Nobles and seen some books with the title ‘Superfoods’ on the cover? I was curious about these foods – what made them so special? I dug a little deeper and found out some AWESOME INFO that I wanted to share with you!!
David Wolfe (dubbed the nutritionist’s nutritionist) wrote an amazing book on Superfoods. Here are 7 golden nuggets from his book – and what YOU need to know about superfoods!!!
1. Superfoods have more than a dozen unique health benefits, not just one or two. They are actually a cross between a food and a medicine, and THE most nutrient-rich foods on the planet.
2. Superfoods will make it easier to achieve your ideal weight, diet, and food habits. By eating more superfoods, you will get more nutrition with less eating.
3. Superfoods should be eaten raw to retain their nutrients – this way they don’t lose the vitamin content, enzymes, etc. that could be diminished by cooking.
4. Organic fruits and vegetables are great and very much needed in our diet, but they don’t come even CLOSE to the nutritional content in superfoods. By eating these specific foods, you can guarantee you will get the necessary nutrients to be healthy, boost your immune system, and give you double the energy.
5. Most modern American diets are nutrient and mineral-deficient by nature – our metabolism slows and it is much more difficult to lose the weight. Foods that are low in nutrition don’t give us much energy – so it’s even HARDER to get in the gym and burn the calories.
6. By eating superfoods, you can kick start your sluggish metabolism and train your body to be more efficient, give you more energy, and burn calories to finally be able to lose that excess weight!!
7. David Wolfe names 10 superfoods that you can incorporate into your diet at home. You will have much more energy, less cravings, boost your immune system, and feel much healthier!!
I will be doing a series on superfoods and give you a new food each week with the health benefits and a few recipes for each one!!
Take Action: How will you incorporate superfoods into your diet?
Stay tuned for the very first superfood and recipes coming soon!!!
To your health!!
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