You made the decision and took the first step to better your health and fitness. It feels great! You are on the way to a new you! Maybe you started a new gym or fitness program, or maybe you began a new way of eating. Or.. just maybe you started BOTH!
You did everything that was called for: stocked your kitchen with healthy choices, planned for success by marking on a calendar each day that you would hit the gym, you even threw away all the junk food that you had purchased the week before.
Then.. life happens. We do the very best we can – we resisted the urge to eat a bagel even though a batch had just come out of the oven next door. We didn’t steal any candy out of the Halloween candy basket at work. But.. one day it happened and you overslept (missed the 6 AM workout) and didn’t have time to prepare your green smoothie before running out the door.
The better we plan, the better the chance we have to succeed – but we are human and sometimes we fall off the wagon. It happens! But what you decide to do from that point forward is what separates you from everyone else. The choice is now YOURS to recover quickly and get back on track so that you can smash that goal you wrote down on Day 1 of dropping 7 pounds before the holidays.
Here are some tips to recover quickly and overcome the obstacle that got in your way. It was only a small delay – accept it as that and move on!!
1. Read the goals you set for yourself on Day 1 and tape them up on your mirror, refrigerator, front door.. wherever you go most in your home.
2. Have a support system in place – or find one now! Maybe it is a friend, or family member. It could even be your trainer! Share your goals, wins, and even your slip ups with that person – they will help keep you on track.
3. Keep a fitness journal to record your progress. Write down both your workouts AND what you eat during the day. If you had that small setback – write it down for what it is, but then remind yourself of the days you stuck to the plan! Keep at it and stay committed.
4. Remind yourself it isn’t all or nothing. It takes time to change your lifestyle for better health. If we could snap our fingers and eat healthy – everyone would do it! Nobody WANTS to slip up – it happens. But what separates you from the pack is picking back up after the fall and reminding yourself what you will look and feel like at the finish line.
5. Make a motivational collage. Cut out pictures of role models that you admire, a body that inspires you, and phrases that motivate you. I was recently introduced to Pinterest – it is an awesome resource to find motivational pictures!
6. Remind yourself WHY you are on a plan to better fitness and health. Are you looking to tone up by the holidays? Looking to fit into a special dress or pair of slacks? Just want to feel better and have more energy each day? It is worth it if you come back to the plan and pick up where you left off!
7. Take ACTION. Just lace up the running shoes and you are already half way there! “No matter how slow you are, you are still lapping everybody on the couch.” Just get in a 15 minute workout – you will feel SO much better afterwards!
If you can relate to this and you are ready to pick back up where you left off, TAKE ACTION and try your very first class at Bay View Boot Camp! You will be in a group of extremely supportive, positive individuals who are looking to achieve their goals just like you!! You can even try us out for a free week trial – so you have NO EXCUSES! You’ll also have me to coach you to stay on track and accountable.
Call me today at 727.754.0111 or email me at Making the call is the first step!