Hi Everyone!
One of the most common requests I get from clients is for more “core” exercises. Sculpting your core (abdominals and low back) is key for so many reasons. Not only will you look and feel better in your bathing suit as beach season hits, but it will help with your posture and prevent muscle imbalances.
Here is a short video of 3 new abdominal exercises that you can add at the end of any workout, or add to your current ab routine. Please click “Like” if you plan to do any of these exercises this week!
The Workout:
30 seconds: Flutter Kicks
10 seconds rest
30 seconds: Scissor Kicks
10 seconds rest
30 seconds: Newspaper abs
Complete 2 – 3 sets
Exercise #1: Flutter kicks – Lay with your back on the floor and your arms by your sides. You can put your hands underneath your lower back to give you more support. Keep your legs straight and make small, quick up and down movements with your legs. Keep your head up for more focus on your abdominals. You can put your head down to modify the exercise and make it easier.
Exercise #2: Scissor kicks – Similar to flutter kicks, lay with your back on the floor and your arms by your sides. Instead of bringing your feet up and down, bring them across your body like a scissor motion. Alternate with each one over the other.
Exercise #3: Newspaper abs – Sit on the ground and bend your knees. Try to keep your knees in the air, but you can modify by having your heels rest on the ground. Extend both arms in front of you and rotate towards one direction, like you are opening a heavy newspaper to the side. Alternate between each side.
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