12 days in so far!! So last time we talked (last Friday), I was feeling great with zero temptations and awesome energy with 5 days in. On Saturday morning I drove up to Orlando to help my mom at a nutrition expo to feature her Paleo Superfood bar. She did AMAZING at the show, but avoiding temptations stopped there.
In EVERY booth, there was gluten free brownies, all natural ice cream, sugar-free cookies, granola crunch, and on.. and on. Just because it’s gluten free does NOT mean it is healthy!!!! I came prepared so I had my pink lunchbox with me and while I saw everyone walking around with coconut oil popcorn, I was eating my shredded chicken and carrots. It was HARD, but I stayed strong. And I’m really glad I did!! :)
Drove home and prepped for week 2 Sunday night, and it has been a huge help! I’ve apparently caught the ‘bug’ that is going around St. Pete, but having already prepared food in my fridge made it easier for me to avoid driving to the store to buy something not on my diet.
I am exercising 6 days a week with one day completely off. 4 of those days are lifting days (legs, arms, shoulders, etc.). My cardio consists of 3 days of HIIT exercise and 1 day of a long 40 min easy run. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) can be done on the treadmill, elliptical, stairs, jump rope, etc. and is all about going at your max, then dropping down to recover, then back up to max again. These are much shorter workouts (15-20 minutes). I’m also doing yoga once per week to completely stretch out and improve flexibility and mobility.
I’m eating every 3-4 hours (or doing the best that I can) which works out to about 5 small meals per day. Most meals consist of a protein, veggie, and sometimes a healthy fat. Lots of green smoothies, chicken with broccoli, eggs with zucchini and sliced avocado, etc. are all meals that I’m eating regularly. I’m not the best chef, so I’m keeping it simple with things I can make in bulk. I also rotate my proteins so I don’t get bored.. so I’ll rotate between eggs, salmon, ground turkey, and chicken. Here’s a meal that I made this week.. ground turkey with steamed broccoli and tomato sauce.
And here is my progress so far! I took these early this morning.
Thank you so much for sharing this experience with me!