Our Bay View Boot Camp & Personal Training members are one big family. In every big family, you have big brothers or sisters that you look up to for support, encouragement, and accountability. They will give you a big hug, just when you need it and didn’t even know it, or give you a push when you think you don’t have anymore in the tank. That’s exactly how I would describe today’s spotlight.
“Best Accountability Partner EVER!!”, “Nobody ever works harder!”, “You inspire me!!” are all messages to today’s ‘Transformation Tuesday’ just in the last couple of weeks alone. This rockstar is one of the most genuine, positive, and hardest workers I’ve had the pleasure to train, and I am SO excited that she is the spotlight for today. I give you the beautiful, Erin Flock.. in her very own words!
1. What was your life like before you started boot camp?
I have always considered myself an athletic, competitive person. Growing up, I was involved in sports and continued to stay active as an adult. Being so active “allowed” me to eat whatever I wanted without gaining any weight. Pizza, soda, macaroni and cheese, and every bad carb imaginable were staples in my everyday diet. Everyone always said “it’s going to catch up to you”.
2. What made you decide to take your training to the next level and sign up?

Erin’s “Before” Photos
Five years ago I became pregnant with my first child. I worked out my entire pregnancy and only gained 29 pounds. I lost the weight rather quickly. I was the weight I was pre-pregnancy, but I still did not have the body I desired, despite going to the gym 3-4 times a week. I basically worked out so I could eat what I wanted. I wanted a lean, strong physique and I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted at the gym. That is when I decided to change up my fitness routine. I liked to train hard, but didn’t have the motivation to train as hard as I could at the gym. I needed help, and I could not afford a personal trainer. That is when I came across Bay View Boot Camp… and SO happy that I did.
Bay View Boot Camp was exactly what I needed. A challenging workout, amazing trainers, and an extremely motivating group that made me want to be the best I could be. I had never pushed my body that hard – ever.
5 months ago, I gave birth to my second child. Although I worked out the entire pregnancy, I used the pregnancy as an excuse, to yet again, eat what I wanted. I gained 47 pounds with this pregnancy, and the weight decided it wanted to stay. After having the baby, I found myself eating as if I were still pregnant. I had added stress in my personal life, as well as the stress of having a newborn and a very active 4 year old, that made me turn to my typical comfort foods. I was frustrated about my weight gain, yet I wasn’t changing my bad habits. For the first time in my life, I had to work at losing weight. Everyone was right…. the bad food choices did catch up to me.
Rather than fueling my feelings and stress with food, I decided to get back to boot camp and turn my stress into fuel. I know I needed to change, and wishing for change was not working anymore. I had to change to make a change. With the help of Bay View Boot Camp, I have changed my entire outlook on food, thanks to their transformation challenges and the advice and guidance from Laura. Laura, Gail and Jill along with every single member of Bay View Boot Camp have motivated me beyond belief. The support and inspiration from others keep me going – they believe in me when I don’t believe in me – and that is what motivates me to not give up. That I NEVER got at the gym.
3. What do you love most about your new lifestyle?

Check out Erin NOW!!
Rather than poking at my fat in the mirror and feeling down about how I look, I am now poking at my abs and feeling great. I have more energy than ever before because I am not feeling the sugar crashes and food coma’s that I did my whole life. There are so many things in my life that is out of my control, but I can control how I feel through diet and exercise – and I feel great. I love being challenged with the workouts and the feeling of accomplishment when I complete them – it truly is euphoric. The feeling of making a smart food choice is empowering to me. I like feeling good about myself and not feeling insecure of my body or feeling guilty after every meal.
4. Why is your personal health and fitness so important to you?
Not only is my personal health and fitness important to me for my own personal confidence and well-being, but most importantly, I want to be the best role model possible for my children. I want them to love their bodies – no matter what the size or shape. I want my children to love to exercise like I do and I do not want them to grow up with my poor eating habits. Fortunately, Harper, my 4 ½ year old, has attended a few boot camps and she loves it as much as I do. She can actually do a better burpee than me! Bay View Boot Camp is not only improving my life, but it is leaving an impact on the future generation – and to me that is profound.
5. What has been your results/experiences from boot camp/eating better and changing your lifestyle?
5 months since having my second child, and 3 months since returning to boot camp, I have lost a total of 51 pounds – yes some of that weight is attributed to having a baby, but I can assure you I did not have a 51 pound baby! I now weigh less than I did before having my first child. I am in the best shape that I have been in since high school. I am much stronger than I have ever been, and my endurance and speed is the best it has been in 15 years. I know there is no way I would have reached those goals so quickly if it were not for the workouts at boot camp and the transformation challenge that has helped me change my diet.
My goals have now changed from reaching a certain number on the scale, to now performance type goals as well as dropping my body fat percentage even lower.
6. What is your motto/advice for others who were in a similar situation to yourself?
Throughout this journey I have repeated several times, “if it doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change you”.
My advice to other mommies, is that it is ok to take some time for yourself. I feel I am a better mommy by being able to take the time I need to be healthy, both mentally and physically. Having more energy and being in a better mood is much more appreciated by my children.
Thank you Erin for sharing your story with us!! If Erin has inspired you, please leave her a note below and thank her!!