I’m now almost 3 weeks in. Now I promised to give you the good, the bad, and the ugly.. so here it goes!!
I feel great! I’m sleeping like a champ, workouts are still going strong, and I love how my body feels. Officially none of my clothes fit unless they are elastic or a dress. (I’m in stretchy pants almost every day, so that works out alright.) :) I made the trip out to White House Black Market to get an outfit that fits for our Bay View Boot Camp Holiday party. If you live in St. Pete, go visit Shannon.. she is the best and will style you if you don’t know a thing about putting outfits together (guilty). Also a highlight is going down in my pant size! Here’s Shannon from last night:
My goals for the end of this 60 day challenge is to have VERY limited cheats (I plan to treat myself on New Year’s Eve – but not go crazy), and see where I can take my body by living this lifestyle. I’m eating twice as much as before (I eat every 3 hours), but it is all healthy, clean food. If you’d like to know the specifics, I’m trying to round out my shoulders,work on my lats and lower back, and have clearly defined abs. I’m excited as ever for the fitness photo shoot at the end of my 60 days to show my progress! :)
The BAD:
I will admit, this week has been MUCH harder than the first two. I’m not sure if it is because it’s the week before Christmas so there’s quite a bit more stress, or if the ‘newness’ of my journey is wearing off, but some of my cravings are back. I haven’t had any cheats.. but my ‘late night eating’ got the best of me last night. I didn’t eat anything ‘bad’.. but I scrounged around for food right before I went to bed, which I did NOT want to do during these 60 days. I knew it was emotional eating due to stress and being tired from a long few days. It just means I need to reset this weekend, make sure I’m staying on schedule for every 3 hours eating during the later part of the day, and focus on my goals when I’m most tempted (at night).
I look forward to my workouts, but between training clients, planning for events, and prepping for Christmas, it is sometimes really difficult to figure out when to get them in. This is a HIGH priority for me though, so no matter what it takes, I’m figuring out a way to get it in.. even if it is a challenge! It is that mindset that Tony Robbins talked about (read my first post for details), about making it a MUST instead of a SHOULD.
Thankfully no “ugly” yet! :) I’m prepped for tonight so I know what I can and can’t eat at the holiday party, and I also have options to eat on Christmas Day. I’ll let you know next week how it was!
Thanks again for sharing this experience with me as I go through it! I’d really love to hear from YOU what questions you have. Also thank you all for the encouragement of staying clean through the holidays!!